Do you believe in after life?
I’m not sure but to be honest with you yes. My Dad had a near death experience and he saw himself out of his body.
Do you believe that man will be held accountable for his actions after this life?
No. If he had a happy heart then he had heaven here and if not then went through enough of hell. I do not believe in anything as right or wrong. It is all about the perception if it is right for you then it is right for you.
What do you think about the terrorist those who killed 3000 people at WTC, do you believe that they did wrong in doing that?
Well according to my perception yes. I wouldn’t be happy doing that. I would never do that. But in their perception they were doing right thing.
Well do you think their perception was wrong?
Well that is difficult… I think it was wrong?
So what you heart says that they should be held accountable for their actions after this life?
Hmm. Yes.
Like I heard in US one can get a sentence for 200 years but they cannot possibly complete that..
Yes and if they are given death sentence they did not suffer at all.
Are you saying that they didn’t suffer enough for the crimes they committed if they just get death sentence?
(just a smile)
I believe in God as force or energy, the universe.
As Big Bang theory states that universe had a beginning so it was not always there and since every effect has a cause, then our universe also has a cause since it had a beginning?
Well I do not know if I believe in Big Bang theory. I believe in God as ‘it’ and not ‘He’.
How can ‘it’ make Moral judgements?
That is why I do not want to say this is right or this is wrong.
But you said those terrorists perceived wrong and did wrong in killing those people. Do you believe in a creator?
I do not know.
Are you confused?
No I am not confused; it is just that I do not know.
Because if there is a creator then we are different from Him and then he is more likely a person because we are persons and we can relate to Him.
I think we both believe in the same things you believe in doing good I believe in doing good and being happy so we have a similar outcome.
I do not believe that we have a similar outcome.
Do you?
Yes. Because we do not believe in the same things it will not lead to similar outcomes.
Why is it important for you to make me believe that God is a person?
Well If God is a person then he is also our creator, then we have a purpose and meaning in life. We have a moral judge and your heart’s desire for those terrorists to be held accountable can be met as well.  Now tell me honestly, If God is a person, what you will not like about it?
Honestly What I do not like about it is the idea that someone is controlling me and I am not in control. Well I am happy for what you believe are you happy for what I believe?
Will you be happy for someone who is happy sitting on a time bomb?
No. You think I am sitting on a time bomb?
Yes. Suppose someone is trapped in a burning house and he is happy about it and is not willing to come out and does not want anyone to help. Will you still go and try to rescue that man?
Against my better judgement. Yes.
(At that point I feel that I felt that I need to stop the conversation and keep this guy in prayer)
On the next day evening I again got the opportunity to speak to Declan
Declan you said that you do not like the idea of God as a person because you do not like the idea of being controlled by someone.
Yes. I do not want be controlled by any man.
Well the Bible says God is not a man.
Is it?
Yes. When I said God is a person, I did not mean man. (I should have told him here that he put on human nature as He came in the form of Man, thankfully I did it later when I met him for the 3rd time)
How is it possible to have relationship with ‘it’. Bible says God is a Spirit?
I was thinking about it. I think I can accept that God is a spirit.
God is our absolute standard.
Well God sent his own son to die on the cross and that is evil. So even God is imperfect.
What would you think of a father who sends his son as a soldier to sacrifice for the Nation?
Why not go himself rather than sending son?
What is easier for a father to die himself or to send his son?
To die himself.
We are not talking about man becoming God. It is about God becoming man.
Suppose there is a huge debt on you which you are unable to pay and your creditor says  ‘I cancel it’. You got it for free but who paid the cost?
My creditor.
When God forgives who pays the cost?
This is the very reason why Jesus came down to this earth to pay the cost for the forgiveness of our sins. I believe when you take time to understand Christianity your heart would like to follow it.